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Death Knight videos July 21, 2008

Posted by erbodie in Wotlk.
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Here are a few videos of combat in EPL and WPL. The first one shows some combat against melee and caster mobs, the second how easily a DK can take on an elite mob, and the third shows the summoning of a ghoul from a dead human mob.

First steps in Wrath of the Lich King July 19, 2008

Posted by erbodie in News, Wotlk.
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Great surprise last night as I was logging out after we raided BT: an invitation to beta of Wrath of the Lich King. It took the whole night to download the 1.8GB file, and then more time this morning to install the whole lot. In the meantime, I copied Erbodie (and my paly Erbkaya) so that I can login and start exploring Northrend.

Here are the few of pics:

Will report more as I find time to play a bit. And by play, I mean login, play a bit, and see the client crash or get kicked out by the server – which crashes a lot as well. Very early beta indeed.

First thing I noticed is that respec’s only cost 1 copper. I hope that this price makes it into the final version.